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Golden Software Surfer v9.8.669

您可能感興趣: Max Microsoft 
Golden Software Surfer v9.8.669
Golden Software Surfer v9.8.669 英文正式版(3D科學繪圖軟體軟體)

第一名的3D科學繪圖軟體軟體!如果您常發表科技性文章及論文 ,並且有眾多的數據要
變成XYZ 3D圖形,那Surfer 可以為您節省大量的時間,不必浪費昂貴的人工去做苦力.
所以Surfer成為全世界使用最多的數據式XYZ 3D繪圖軟體.
--Contour Maps 可做等高線圖,結果可輸出成3D DXF
--3D Wireframe Maps 可做三維網格圖
--3D Surface Maps 可做三維表面圖
--Post Maps 可做三維張貼圖文字標注
--Shaded Relief Maps 可做陰影圖,具有相片質量.
--Image Maps 可做影像圖, 可以做細膩的色階處理
--Vector Maps 可做向量圖,
--Base Maps 可輸入底圖以便搭配3D圖型
--Overlap Maps 可將圖型重迭
--Overlap Maps 可將地面影像圖與3D Surface重迭
--Gridding 可選擇多種方格化功能
--Output 圖型輸出可選CGM、DXF、BMP、GIF、EPS、HPGL等
--Worksheet 數據輸入可用Lotus、Excel、ASCII
--Text 文字可用上下標、數學符號、線型符號、顏色都可定義
Surfer is a contouring and 3D surface mapping
program that runs under Microsoft Windows. It
quickly and easily converts your data into
outstanding contour, 3D surface, 3D wireframe,
vector, image, shaded relief, and post maps.
Virtually all aspects of your maps can be customized
to produce exactly the presentation you want.
Producing publication quality maps has never been
quicker or easier.

Surfer is the most powerful, flexible, and
easy-to-use contouring and 3D surface mapping
package available. Surfer easily and accurately
transforms your data into spectacularly colorful
contour, surface, wireframe, shaded relief, image,
post, and vector maps in minutes! And best of all,
Surfer is affordable!

Surfer provides more gridding methods and more
control over gridding parameters than any other
software package on the market. Surfer will quickly
interpolate irregularly or regularly spaced data
into a useful, functional map. Use Surfer's default
settings or choose from twelve different gridding
methods. Each gridding method provides complete
control over an abundant number of gridding
parameters to generate the most accurate map
possible to best represent your data. Creating
high-precision maps has never been so easy!

In addition to creating surfaces, grid files allow
you to perform a variety of functions. Just a few of
the possibilities are calculating volume and area,
subtracting or adding grid files, or converting
outliers to a minimum or Maximum value. Grid files
also enable you to apply filters to emphasize
details or remove background variation, blank a grid
file to prevent contours from being drawn through
specific areas (buildings, roads, or outside of
field areas), or create cross sections.

Customize your maps so they look their best! Each of
Surfer's ten map types has a multitude of editing
options to enhance its appearance. Change line
colors and thicknesses, edit point shapes, sizes,
and colors, or add gradient color fills and color
scale bars. Contour maps allow you to manipulate
contour line intervals, thickness, color, and
labeling. For shaded relief maps and 3D surface
maps, quickly change the lighting angle for a
realistic appearance. Create maps with multitudes of
information by including scale bars, legends, and
labels. These are just some of the endless options
Surfer offers to easily create the most colorful,
descriptive, and understandable maps - ready for

Options for creating informative maps are endless!
The smallest details are easy to apply and modify
with Surfer's extensive customization abilities!

Surfer lets you massage your data in many ways to
achieve the exact output you want. Surfer includes a
full-featured worksheet for creating, opening,
editing, and saving data files. Data files can be up
to one billion rows and columns! You can cut, copy,
and paste data within the Surfer worksheet or
between applications, and you can use Surfer's find
or find/replace commands to search for and replace
data. Sort your data on a specified column,
transform data with equations, filter data with
specified rules, and calculate statistics on your
data! You can also assign a projection to your data
and reproject the coordinates to a new projection or
coordinate system! Surfer lets you get the right
answers to your questions, simple and fast!

Surfer includes extensive customization options to
allow complete control over all map types. Overlay
or stack any number of maps and display an unlimited
number of maps per page. Scale, tilt, and rotate
your maps for the best data presentation possible.
Customize maps by adding text, symbols, polylines,
and polygons. With Surfer's Object Manager, all of
the objects on the page are logically organized and
are readily accessible for editing. No other mapping
software makes maps as easy to create and edit and
as customizable as Surfer!

Create your own scripts to automate repetitive
tasks! Don't spend time doing the same process over
and over again - write a simple script to simplify
your life! Operations performed interactively can be
controlled using an automation-compatible
programming language such as Visual Basic, C++, or
Perl. Surfer includes Scripter, a built-in Visual
Basic compatible programming environment that lets
you write, edit, debug, and run scripts. Why do more
work than you need when you have Surfer working for
  • Golden Software Surfer v10.1.561 Win64 英文正式版(地理資訊製圖軟體)
  • Golden Software Surfer v10.2.601 英文正式版(地理資訊製圖軟體)
  • Golden Software Surfer v10.4.799 英文正式版(地理資訊製圖軟體)
  • Golden Software Surfer v9.9.785 英文正式版(3D科學繪圖軟體)
  • Golden Software Surfer v10.3.705 英文正式版(地理資訊製圖軟體)
  • Golden Software Surfer v10.7.972 英文正式版(地理資訊製圖軟體)
  • Golden Apple Software Photo Captions v1.2.1 英文正式版(照片標題製作軟體)

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